Thursday, January 24, 2013

Just a Little Hello

I haven't posted in a few days and just wanted to give a little update. Surprisingly though I wasn't stressing about not posting, I have just been busy the past few days and we've been catching up on some R&R.

On Friday we had to go to Ft. Belvoir to get little man's military dependent ID taken, and to no surprise, it became about a 4 hour event. We left the house at 9am and did not return until about 1:30pm, so needless to say I was pretty exhausted from driving in traffic and going back and forth between the DEERS office here and the DEERS office where lovie was to get our paperwork sorted out.

Saturday we went to my best friend's house to take down her Christmas tree (a little late lol) and then we went to my Aunt's house for my little cousins birthday party. She is a wonderful hostess and a great cook so anytime I get to go over there is a good day.

And now, on Thursday, I am in a hotel near lovie's unit hanging out with him for a few days while little man is at lovie's parents. We attended a Yellow Ribbon event yesterday for their unit which was very informative, but a lot less of a production than a usual Yellow Ribbon event since it was thrown together last minute and the date had changed 4 times for it. Either way I am thoroughly enjoying seeing my lovie and spending time with him before he leaves for deployment.

The first day I got here I could just see on his face how stressed he was. It wasn't like a stressed out look, but more of a look that I could tell he had been in "on" mode for a couples weeks now with very little time to be in "relax" mode, which I now know that it will be like that for him when he's deployed. So even though there may be times when his team isn't actually doing any missions or any work, even down time in the military is still just ever so slightly more stressful than being completely relaxed not in work mode. I just hope I remember that when he comes back- that even though my year was stressful and busy with a growing infant, his year was equally as stressful and challenging.

The family members also got to hear a little bit of a briefing that the soldiers had been hearing for a while and it was about Resiliency. It took me a few minutes to even remember what that term even meant, but as the speakers kept mentioning it and the more they talked about being positive the better I felt about what I had told myself a few days ago: positive outlook means positive outcomes! And that, my friends, is how this deployment is going to be for our family- Positive!

xo JC

PS- I did bring my newly organizied travel toiletries bag and it's great!

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