Thursday, January 24, 2013

Taking Little Man for Walks

Before lovie left and was working, and before the weather got freezing cold, I would take little man for walks just about everyday. Then the holidays came along and we were constantly doing something or traveling and I hadn't been taking him for walks in the stroller, so now that lovie is gone I am back to taking him in the stroller for about a 30 minute walk at least 2 times a week. (Which is great for losing the baby weight too!)
The past few walks he really seems to be enjoying and I just can't help myself of taking adorable photos when he keeps giving me these adorable faces! 
Here he is in his L.L. Bean fleece suit that Mimaw found at a thrift store for only a few bucks and he is happy as a clam!

One day we saw this lovely creature next to the lake in our neighborhood. Not the first striking bird we've seen on our walks here. It is actually quite a large bird, and despite what the picture looks like I had to get really really close to it to snap this pic, and then it turned around and starting walking towards me so I was done haha.
Here's one of the Instagram shots I got of him in his little baby sunglasses (from Target) that I just love! He's got on another fleece outfit from his other grandma that is just too cute!

 And lastly, my favorite! After a few shots he gave me a tongue-out grin that just made me melt!
I know I'm his mommy and I automatically think he's cute, but oh my goodness what am I to do when he just smiles all the time. It. Makes. Me. Melt!
xo JC

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