Friday, February 22, 2013

More Baby Food

Happy Friday!

I haven't felt like making smoothies the past two days, but I did make one today and it was delicious as always, but I didn't get to finish  it because little man was keeping me too busy. My plan is to get back on track for smoothies everyday tomorrow! I'll be dog sitting at my aunt's house so I get to use her big Ninja!

Today I was craving Salisbury steak, and although I like to make my own, we had some in the freezer so that's what I used. Little man was getting low on veggies so I made some peas for myself and tossed some in the Ninja for him for this week!

They are so bright! I just love it! He usually doesn't like to eat peas by themselves, so I mix in the cereal and add a little bit of apple or pear for him.

I used a bag of frozen peas that I cooked according to the directions. What I put in the Ninja was only 1/2 the bag and you can see how much it made! Add the peas, some water, and pulse away! This made about 4 of the Gerber containers that I reuse.

This time I wanted to label them because I also have some green beans in the freezer I made a few weeks ago. Also I like to have the date on them so I know when they were made/thawed so I can keep track of how long they've been in the fridge. Also, let's be honest, my baby likes to eat! I used Post-It removable labels that I love! They are really easy to put on and take off so they will work well for this job. 

Any tips for making your own baby food?

xo JC

PS- I also added a goal today- I want to start an indoor/container garden. I'm thinking of starting with carrots, parsnips, asparagus, and maybe a lemon tree.

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