Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Travel Toiletries Bag - Always Ready To Go

When I was doing my Bathroom Overhaul I knew I needed to update my travel toiletries bag.

I have had this bag for over a year now and I absolutely love it! When lovie and I first started dating he was still in college so whenever I had a chance I would drive an hour to go see him. On top of that I am always going to a friend's house, staying at my Aunt's house, or I just always seem to be finding myself out and about.

Even with Galen now I usually don't go a whole month without staying somewhere else for the night. We still go to my Aunt's house or the in-laws once a month to spend the night (that's not to mention that I usually fly about 2-3 times a year) and having this bag has been such a life saver! But sadly it has come to an end because the zipper broke. Sad day.

This bag is so convenient though, and it is so easy to create one. I just started collecting travel and trial size items all in one place and when I go somewhere it is so easy to toss the whole bag in my luggage or the diaper bag and I know I have everything I need! If you want to get free samples and trial size items simple search it online. Walmart is usually always offering some sort of free item and there are many other places that do promotional items for free in a trial size. One of my favorite websites is An hour of filling out your info can get you many different items coming your way in the mail, and lots of coupons too! Also, I always grab the toiletries as I'm heading out of a hotel. Most of the time they aren't the best quality, but sometimes you get good ones.

What I keep in my bag at all times:
-Antibacterial gel
-Body Wash or Soap (usually both since I have a plethora of each)
-Lipgloss or Chapstick

The only items that I need to grab that aren't in the bag are my toothbrush and my contact case and glasses.

I found this Sonia Kashuk bag that wasn't being used so it is now my new toiletries bag. I'm a little sad that it isn't completely transparent because that makes it really nice when going through security at the airport. That's another great thing about stocking up on these trial sizes means you don't ever have to think about what liquids are over 3oz for a carry on, they all can go through security. (except a razor)

I did add a small thing of perfume, the 2 oz roll on type that came in the gift set I got for Christmas. And here is it's new home under the shelf in my bathroom cabinet-

I really can't tell you how much I love having this bag ready to go all the time and I really do use it at least once a month so it is a great time and stress saver for me.

And is it just me or are travel size items super cute?!

xo JC

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