Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Bathroom Overhaul

 I've been rather busy today on account of being extra motivated and inspired. And when that happens I always run with it! You never know when those days come along haha.

I decided to tackle my bathroom today. When lovie was here he always complained about all the stuff I kept in our bathroom and under the sink. Since we just rent the basement area, with no kitchen, we only have the bathroom for all my toiletries, make up, cleaning supplies, etc. But I must be honest- I have enough toiletries to last me a until lovie gets back I can assure you.

As usual I made my list of what needed to be done-
  • Formula (because in the middle of the night this is where I make Galen's bottles)
  • Medicine
  • Make Up
  • Toiletries/Products
  • Extra Bathroom Products
I started with the medicine cabinet-

 I wanted to put baskets in there, but actually the ones I had didn't fit =( but I did get to use them under the sink, so I guess that's good. It doesn't look all that much different, but it feels a lot different when you're standing there trying to find something! I took out everything that I don't use within a few days. So here it is after-
 I am one of those people who tends to use different products everyday if I have multiples. ie- I currently have 4 different face washes, and part of me feels bad if I only use one face wash until it's done. I feel like I have to use them each evenly lol. Weird, I know. And you're probably wondering why in the heck I have 4 different ones. Well, I didn't buy of them of course, I'm too cheap for that. One my sister bought and then realized after a few days that she didn't like it, so now I have that one. One I got on vacation because I didn't bring mine. And the other two were in a 2pack on clearance at Target because it was a special promotion that had ended. Henceforth- I have plentttttty of facewash.
Another thing you can't see in the photos is that I had clutter all over the counter top. Not sure why I didn't take a pic of that but my glasses, contacts, lip gloss, formula, jewelry, and other things were all strewn about, so I needed to find a place for them. Still haven't done anything with the jewelry yet, but I've got my eyes peeled for a cute dainty dish to hold my watch, rings, and earrings when I get in the shower.
Another thing I did was add little labels to each of the shelves. In a perfect world we would have a few more shelves to go in this thing, but hey, we're renting and what's in here is what I get. For the labels though I used some scrap scrapbook paper (you like that pun there hehe) and labeled "eyes" "body" "face" and the top shelf is for lovie, and taped them on the shelves with plain ole' tape.

Now here's the real kicker- under the sink... under the sink... life is much better when you are never under the sink.. (Little Mermaid is stuck in my head)

Here is what my bathroom looked like with everything pulled out! And yes those are in fact my pink thermal striped pjs.

For under the sink I needed a complete overhaul. I pulled out all of the things that I could put somewhere else in storage- shampoo, conditioner, and all of those baby bath items (more on that in my next post)

I knew I couldn't feasibly fit everything in there neatly so I pulled out the big guns and grabbed a tall 3 drawer set from one of our storage closets that wasn't being used. And then I got to organizing!

I got rid of my make up bag that seriously needed to go. Now all my makeup lives in the top drawer of  this little 3 drawer organizer, and there's a little tiny make up bag packed with my essentials if I need to grab them and toss them in the diaper bag on the fly.

 In the above pic you can also see the little baskets I was talking about that didn't fit in the mirror cabinet. The left one has mommy and daddy things and the right one has feminine care products for just mommy. Again I used leftover scrapbook paper, sharpie, and this time spiffy diffy double sided tape!

The other side now is a bit more cleaned up, albeit not as pretty as I would like, but at least now the formula doesn't live on the counter and the toilet paper doesn't live on the floor. Baby steps, right. In the class jar is my coffee paste for stretch marks which I will do a post update once I find out if it works or not. And in the make up bag underneath the shelf is where I keep all my travel toiletries ready to go (more on that in another post to come)

And here is the life saver of it all! This baby wasn't even being used, and I can't believe I actually filled it up. I have wayyyy too much stuff in the bathroom. Since our bathroom is so small though and I don't need these things on a daily basis, this will find a home in my closet. I didn't get a better picture, but in top top drawer is First Aid with ace bandages, band aids, advil, baby tylenol, etc. The second drawer is Bath + Body with a lot of sunscreen, sunless tanner, aloe vera, and lotions. The bottom is Shaving + Misc. and that's basically what it is lol, shaving cream, razors, and some random little bathroom things. I hope to organize the drawer a little more with some diy cereal box organizers, but that will be for another day.

I am really happy with how everything turned out. This is probably the 3rd or 4th time I've reorganized this bathroom and we've only been here 6 months. Hopefully this time I've gotten smarter and actually taken most of the stuff out of the bathroom so it doesn't seem so cramped.

And I wouldn't be Janet if I spent a lot of money on this, so the total project cost is $0! Wahoo! Yippe! Free- just how I like it!

Happy Organizing!

xo JC

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