Sunday, March 3, 2013

It's Actually Moving Along...

Hi there!

Today I was telling someone that my lovie is deployed and I began to say, "so he'll be back in about a year," but then I caught myself, and it was a fantastic moment because I realized he should be back in less than a year!!!

I was so used to saying a year because when he first left literally everyone was asking me when he will be back home. It seriously felt so good to realize that it was already March and that means only 9-10months more of him being so far away. I miss him so much =(

It is a small victory but it made me smile and jump for joy inside that even though my days sometimes feel mushed together we are making progress every. single. day. And that, my friends, is something to smile about. =)

Lovie and I have already conquered/demolished/pulverized (insert any other intense synonym for total destruction) the past two months and I am so proud of him and myself. Every day is still an adjustment and I worry what challenges are ahead and what it will be like when he returns, but we are rocking and rolling and when I actually think about it, I couldn't have pictured a better start to this deployment. Lovie is being really sensitive with me and communicating more than I thought he would and I am stronger than I thought I'd be.

In your face deployment. Lol.

Hope everyone else has little things to get excited about also!

xo JC

PS- It is very likely that in the near future I will be venting about how much deployment sucks, but for now I am glad I can be positive for today. It's what gets me through. There are plenty of other times where I tear up and have lots of quiet moments to myself. It's a roller coaster kind of thing.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Janet :) I just wanted to let you know that I nominated you for the Leibster Award! The rules are:

    -Answer the 11 questions asked.
    1Leave a link back to the blogger that nominated you.
    -Choose bloggers with less than 200 followers to nominate, and let them know they have been picked.
    -Write 11 new questions for them to answer.

    Check out my latest blog post for the questions! Have fun!!!
