Saturday, March 2, 2013

Homemade Teething Cookies

Hello again!

Over the weekend little man and I were at Ummy and Grandpa's house and they bought him some Gerber teething cookies. He really loved them and they helped with the teething, but when I looked at the ingredients I was a little disturbed to see high fructose corn syrup (yes, I'm one of those people) and a little bit of sugar and some other stuff. I am an all natural kind of person and set out to make some of my own teething cookies that didn't have that much stuff in them.

I am pleased to say they came out well! In the picture you can see that they are a bit floury, but that's just from rolling and cutting, and they didn't bother little man at all, but I rinsed one of with water to get the flour off and make a little more soft for my little guy, which worked out even better!

When I was researching on Pinterest different recipes, I didn't see a whole lot about the softness or hardness of the varying cookies so I kind of took a guess. The Gerber ones are really soft and mushy once they get started eating them and they make a huge mess, but I bought some organic teething biscuits that are like dog bones and are too hard for my little guy right how, so I needed something in the middle. And success was mine to be had!

The recipe I used is -here- but instead of banana I used applesauce (because in normal Mission Atlas fashion, I used what I had on hand).

I decided to cut mine like the Gerber ones I had because they worked really well for little man's hands. 

 Overall a great success! I am really please with how they are working out and am sure I'll be making more of these when they run out. I keep them in a ziplock baggie in the pantry.

Also- in the original recipe it says to cook 10min, and even though I set the timer with an infant sometimes you just can't get something when you need to so they were in there for 13min. They weren't burnt or anything but I think they would be just ever so slightly fluffier and softer if I had gotten to them at 10min. So that's my goal for next time. =)

xo JC

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